2:43 PM

Lirik Lagu Anima Suara Hati

Lirik Lagu Anima Suara Hati

Setiap insan dalam hidup
rasakan duka dan gembira
merasakan goyahnya iman
menjauh dari yang kuasa

teringat hidup masa lalu
berlumur dosa dan maksiat
seiring bergulirnya waktu
terasa ajal sangat dekat

jangan meninggalkan dia
berpaling dariNya
walapun sementara
engkau melindungi menyanyangi mengampuni

semua ciptaan dalam kehidupan
Tuhan tolong aku
berikanlah petunjukmu
menuju pintu surgamu ku memohon

7:16 AM

Lirik Lagu Teuku Wisnu & Shireen Sungkar Allahu Akbar

Teuku Wisnu & Shireen Sungkar - Allahu Akbar | Mp3 dan Lirik Lagu - Lagu terbaru dari pasangan artis Teuku Wisnu dan Shireen Sungkar.

Teuku Wisnu & Shireen Sungkar - Allahu AkbarLirik lagu Teuku Wisnu & Shireen Sungkar Allahu Akbar

Tak sepatah kata pun yang dapat ungkap kebesaranNya
dan tak seindah apapun yang dapat melukiskan rahmatnya
seperti indah asmaMU ya Allah
yang menyejukkan kalbu
Allahhu Akbar...Allah Maha Besar
Bersujud ampun padaMu
Allahhu Akbar...Allah Maha Besar

seperti indah asmaMU ya Allah
yang menyejukkan kalbu
Allahhu Akbar...Allah Maha Besar
Bersujud ampun padaMu
Allahhu Akbar...Allah Maha Besar

Download Lagu Teuku Wisnu & Shireen Sungkar Allahu Akbar :

7:16 AM

Lirik Lagu Putih Pasrah Pada Mu

Lirik Lagu Putih Pasrah Pada Mu

Jika hari ini ku mati
Aku hanya pasrah padaMu
Aku hanyalah debu
diluasnya duniamu
aku hanyalah serpihan waktu

Tak ada satupun yang aku cinta
Hanyalah diriMu yang aku puja
Hanya Engkaulah yang mengatur hidupku ini

Jika hari ini adalah
Hari yang terakhir bagiku
Izinkan lah diriku tuk bersujud padaMu
Izinkan tuk meng-Agungkan namaMu

Tak ada satupun yang aku cinta
Hanyalah diriMu yang aku puja
Hanya Engkaulah yang mengatur hidupku ini

Kau miliki hidupku dan matiku
Kau kuasai hari pembalasanmu
Lindungi aku seolah lindungi aku

Ampuni aku....
Ampuni aku
Atas dosaku
Atas salahku

Download Lagu Putih Pasrah Pada Mu :

7:15 AM

Lirik Lagu Indah Dewi Pertiwi Amalmu Adalah Ibadahmu

Lirik Lagu Indah Dewi Pertiwi Amalmu Adalah Ibadahmu

Pernahkah kamu memikirkannya
kehidupah sesudah matimu
pernahkah kamu memikirkannya
amalmu adalah ibadahmu

Pernahkah kamu merenungkannya
Betapa besar nikmat hidupmu
Pernahkah kamu merenungkannya
Semua pemberian Allah

Hidup di dunia
hanya sementara
Tak kan ada yang kan kau bawa
Bila mati amal lah bekalmu

Pernahkah kamu memikirkannya
kehidupah sesudah matimu
pernahkah kamu memikirkannya
amalmu adalah ibadahmu

Pernahkah kamu merenungkannya
Betapa besar nikmat hidupmu
Pernahkah kamu merenungkannya
Semua pemberian Allah

Hidup di dunia
hanya sementara
Tak kan ada yang kan kau bawa
bila mati amal lah bekalmu

6:53 AM

Satudarah | Satudarah MC

Satudarah | Satudarah MC - Satudarah adalah salah satu kelompok geng motor yang terbentuk pada awal tahun 90 di kawasan Moordrecht, sebuah wilayah dekat kota Gouda, Belanda. Pada awal pembentukan geng motor yang juga dikenal dengan istilah Satudarah MC ini didirikan oleh 9 orang pria yang sudah lama bersahabat.

Para pendiri geng motor Satudarah MC yang terdiri dari 9 orang pria ini merupakan warga negara Belanda keturunan Maluku, Indonesia. Selain itu beberapa pendiri lainnya merupakan berlatar etnis yang berbeda.

Secara umum anggota dari Satudarah MC merupakan orang-orang yang memiliki hobby yang sama, yaitu menaiki motor besar seperti halnya Harley Davidson, selain itu anggota kelompok ini juga memimpikan kehidupan seorang biker di jalanan.

Sejauh ini Satudarah telah memiliki 8 cabang wilayah di Belanda, yakni di Gouda, Den Haag, Hengelo, Apeldoorn, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Beverwijk dan Bergen op Zoom. Seiring berjalannya waktu, beberapa anggota Satudarah mulai terlibat aksi keributan.

Jika masih penasaran dengan kiprah dan kegiatannya, bisa di cari di youtube.com dengan kata kunci "Satudarah MC".

6:50 AM

Friv2 | Friv2 Games | Friv2.org

Friv2 | Friv2 Games | Friv2.org - Inilah tempat game flash terbaru, yang wajib kalian liat2.

friv2Gambar Screenshot Situs Friv2

Secara kecepatan akses, memang ada perbedaan yang mencolok antara Friv2 dan Friv, sebab kalau kamu mengunjung situs Friv, maka terlebih dahulu harus menunggu loading flash yang terasa lambat, sementara bila mengunjungi situs Friv2, maka seketika situsnya akan langsung muncul, tanpa ada loading fitur flash yang menggangu kecepatan aksesnya.

Kalau dari segi statistik pengunjung, maka keberadan Friv2 memang masih tergolong sangat tertinggal jauh dengan situs Friv. Sebab dari data alexa.com terlihat, bahwa saat ini situs Friv.com menempati posisi peringkat 2000 situs paling sering dikunjungi diseluruh dunia, sementara Friv2.org masih menempati posisi 70.000 situs paling sering dikunjungi diseluruh dunia.

Jadi yang penasaran dengan situs game ini bisa mencoba di Friv2.org dan selamat mencoba.

6:48 AM

Daftar Universitas Termahal di Indonesia

Daftar Universitas Termahal di Indonesia - Yuk kita cari ilmu dan pengetahuan tentang Univeristas di Indonesia yang biayanya paling mahal. Yuk kita baca satu-satu.

1. President University
Kampus yang berada di daerah Cikarang, Jawa Barat, ini merupakan kampus internasional kedua di Indonesia. Berdiri pada 2001, kampus ini mematok biaya perkuliahan sebesar Rp25 juta per semester. Jika dihitung, untuk mencapai gelar S-1, dibutuhkan biaya Rp250 juta.

2. Swiss German University (SGU)
Berdiri pada 2000 lalu, SGU merupakan kampus bernuansa internasional pertama di Indonesia. Dengan suasana kompleks yang nyaman dan asri, kampus yang berlokasi di Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) Tangerang, Banten, ini menetapkan biaya kuliah mulai dari Rp24 juta-Rp28 juta per semester. Jadi, untuk memperoleh gelar S-1, orangtua harus mengeluarkan dana sebesar Rp223 juta-Rp247 juta.

Kehadiran tenaga pengajar asing, mungkin menjadi salah satu alasan kampus ini mematok harga yang cukup mahal.

3. Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH)
Kampus yang berdiri sejak 1996 ini memiliki biaya rata-rata kuliah sebesar Rp9 juta-Rp15 juta tiap semester. Sementara, biaya yang harus dikeluarkan hingga meraih titel sarjana adalah sebesar Rp130 juta-Rp200 juta.

Kampus yang menjadi tempat kuliah beberapa selebriti seperti si kembar Marcel dan Mischa Chandrawinata, serta Marshanda ini memberikan fasilitas sesuai dengan biaya perkuliahan. Mulai dari pusat olahraga seperti kolam renang, lintasan atletik, hingga pusat perbelanjaan ada di kampus yang berlokasi di Lippo Karawaci ini.

Kategori cukup mahal

4. Universitas Ciputra (UC)
Meski terbilang baru berdiri, yakni pada 2006 lalu, universitas yang didirikan oleh Ir. Ciputra ini mematok harga yang cukup mahal untuk biaya perkuliahan terutama untuk kota seukuran Surabaya. Rata-rata biaya kuliah Rp9 juta-Rp16 juta. Sehingga untuk perkuliahan selama 8-10 semester, dibutuhkan Rp83 juta-Rp160 juta.

5. Universitas Trisakti (Usakti)
Sejak berdiri 46 tahun lalu hingga 1998, Usakti menjadi kampus swasta favorit bagi calon mahasiswa baru. Namun, setelah 1998 dengan bermunculan kampus baru yang cukup banyak, peminat Usakti menjadi menurun.

Kampus tempat Nycta Gina alias Jeng Kelin berkuliah ini memiliki biaya kuliah rata-rata Rp9 juta-Rp12 juta tiap semester. Sehingga untuk meraih S-1, harus mengeluarkan biaya sebesar Rp90 juta-Rp120 juta.

Kategori relatif mahal

6. Universitas Tarumanegara (Untar)
Kampus yang merupakan tetangga Usakti di Grogol, Jakarta Barat juga mematok biaya kuliah yang cukup mahal. Pasalnya, untuk biaya perkuliahan tiap semester, harus merogoh kocek sebesar Rp7 juta-Rp10 juta. Maka, untuk meraih gelar sarjana di kampus yang juga dimiliki oleh Ciputra, diperlukan biaya sebesar Rp65 juta-Rp120 juta.

7. Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus)
Kampus yang terkenal dengan jurusan Teknologi Informasi ini mematok biaya kuliah sebesar Rp6 juta-Rp9 juta tiap semester. Biaya yang harus dikeluarkan selama 8-10 semester yakni Rp61 juta-Rp107 juta.

8. Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (UAJ)
Kampus yang berlokasi di Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan ini memiliki biaya kuliah yang relatif mahal. Sebab, teradapat program studi dengan biaya kuliah cukup murah, namun ada pula beberapa program studi dengan biaya yang cukup mahal.

6:43 AM

OM Sagita Lagu Qasidah Terbaru | Download Mp3 Gratis

OM Sagita Terbaru 2011 - Goyang AsololeSagita Lagu Religi Mp3 Terbaru 2011
Orkes : Sagita (Jaranan Dangdut)
Album : Religi 2011

Ibadah - Sagita.mp3
Jilbab Putih - Sagita.mp3
Keagungan Tuhan - Sagita.mp3
Lir-Ilir - Sagita.mp3
Pepileng - Sagita.mp3
Shalawat Badar - Sagita.mp3
Tombo Ati - Sagita.mp3
Wahdana - Sagita.mp3

7:19 PM

Jadwal Pertandingan Timnas Indonesia di Pra Piala Dunia 2014

Jadwal Pertandingan Timnas Indonesia di Pra Piala Dunia 2014 - Inilah kumpulan Jadwal Pertandingan Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia

Berikut ini adalah jadwal lengkap putaran pertandingan Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil zona Asia yang berhasil saya temukan infonya dari berbagai sumber.

Group Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia

Grup A: China, Yordania, Irak, Singapura
Grup B: Korea Selatan, Kuwait, Uni Emirat Arab, Lebanon
Grup C: Jepang, Uzbekistan, Suriah, Korea Utara
Grup D: Australia, Arab Saudi, Oman, Thailand
Grup E: Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Indonesia

Inilah jadwal pertandingan Timnas Indonesia di ajang Pra-Piala Dunia 2014 Cekidooottzz:

Jadwal Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia
2 September 2011
Iran vs Indonesia
Bahrain vs Qatar

Jadwal Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia
6 September 2011
Qatar vs Iran
Indonesia vs Bahrain

Jadwal Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia
11 Oktober 2011
Iran vs Bahrain
Indonesia vs Qatar

Jadwal Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia
11 November 2011
Qatar vs Indonesia
Bahrain vs Iran

Jadwal Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia
15 November 2011
Qatar vs Bahrain
Indonesia vs Iran

Jadwal Pra Piala Dunia 2014 Zona Asia
29 Februari 2012
Iran vs Qatar
Bahrain vs Indonesia

"Jadwal Pertandingan Timnas Indonesia di Pra Piala Dunia 2014" Semoga dengan info ini bisa menambah pengetahuan kita.

7:05 PM

Profil Hitz Boyband Indonesia

Hitz Boyband IndonesiaProfil Hitz Boyband Indonesia - Tidak lain dan tidak bukan, mereka adalah Lee Jung Hon, Iwan Chandra dan Ferdinand. Ketiga personel Hitz Boyband ini sebenarnya bukanlah orang baru di dunia entertain, seperti Lee Jung Hon misalnya, dia adalah seorang mentor Boyband yang telah banyak melanglang buana dijagat boyband Asia.

Dua personel Boyband Hitz lainnya, yaitu Iwan Chandra dan Ferdinand merupakan sosok pemeran yang sering muncul menghiasi layar kaca dalam berbagai sinetron yang mereka bintangi.

Adapun single perdana Boyband Hitz adalah YES YES YES atau YES 3x dan secara resmi pada tanggal 26 Juni lalu sudah diperkenalkan dalam performance perdana mereka di Mall of Indonesia (MOI).

Hitz Boyband Indonesia sendiri berada dibawah payung label Nagaswara, dan dugaan ini juga diperkuat dengan seringnya akun Twitter Nagaswara yang membahas tentang keberadaan Hitz Boyband.

Inilah twitternya @HITZ_INDONESIA.

9:29 AM

Washington Redskins's Article

Washington Redskins's Article - The Washington Redskins are a professional American football team and members of the East Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). The team plays at FedExField in Landover, Maryland, while its headquarters and training facility are at Redskin Park in Ashburn, Virginia. The Redskins have played over one thousand games since 1932. The Redskins have won five NFL Championships (two pre-merger, and three Super Bowls). The franchise has captured ten NFL divisional titles and six NFL conference championships.[1]

The Redskins won the 1937 and 1945 Championship games, as well as Super Bowls XVII, XXII, and XXVI. They also played in and lost the 1936, 1940, 1943, and 1945 Championship games, as well as Super Bowls VII and XVIII. They have made twenty-two postseason appearances, and have an overall postseason record of 23 wins and 17 losses. Only four teams have appeared in more Super Bowls than the Redskins: the Pittsburgh Steelers (eight), Dallas Cowboys (eight), Denver Broncos (six), and New England Patriots (six); the Redskins' five appearances are tied with the San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, Miami Dolphins, and Green Bay Packers.[2]

All of the Redskins' league titles were attained during two ten-year spans. From 1936 to 1945, the Redskins went to the NFL Championship six times, winning two of them.[3] The second period lasted between 1982 and 1991 where the Redskins appeared in the postseason seven times, captured four Conference titles, and won three Super Bowls out of four appearances.[3] The Redskins have also experienced failure in their history. The most notable period of failure was from 1946 to 1970, during which the Redskins did not have a single postseason appearance.[1] During this period, the Redskins went without a single winning season between 1956 and 1968.[1] In 1961, the franchise posted their worst regular season record with a 1–12–1 showing.[1]

According to Forbes Magazine, the Redskins are the second most valuable franchise in the NFL, behind the Dallas Cowboys, and were valued at approximately $1.55 billion as of 2009.[4] Being the second most valuable franchise, the Redskins remain the highest grossing team in the NFL with $345 million in revenue during the 2009 season.[4] They have also broken the NFL's mark for single-season attendance eight years in a row.[5]

The Redskins were the first team in the NFL with an official marching band and also the first team to have a fight song, "Hail to the Redskins".

10:01 AM

Biography for Mick Jagger

Biography for Mick Jagger - Michael Philip Jagger was born in Dartford, Kent on 26th July 1943. When he was 4 he met Keith Richards until they went into secondary schools and lost touch. But one day in 1960 they accidentally met on the Dartford train line and both realised that they had an interest in rock n roll combined with blues. Between 1960-1962 The Rolling Stones formed. It comprised of Mick on lead vocal and harmonica, Keith Richards on guitar, Bill Wyman on bass, Charlie Watts on drums and Brian Jones on guitar.

Date of Birth
26 July 1943, Dartford, Kent, England, UK

Birth Name
Michael Phillip Jagger

5' 10" (1.78 m)

Mini Biography

In 1964 they released their first album "The Rolling Stones". Eventually in 1965 they had their first number 1 hit in the UK with "The Last Time" which was followed by "I can't get no Satisfaction". Throughout 1966-1969 they toured the world with many great hits like "Let's Spend the night together" (1967) and "Sympathy for the Devil" (1968). But in 1968 Brian Jones committed suicide and Mick and Keith Richards were blamed for his death. But this fusion blew over and they got another guitarist to replace Brian in Mick Taylor. They released the album "Let it Bleed" (1969) with the track "Honky Tonk Woman". After they completed a North American tour Jagger finally went to star in Performance (1970) as the retired rock star Turner. The film was released in August 1970 with Mick starring opposite James Fox and Mick even had his first solo hit which was the soundtrack to the film "Memo from Turner".

In 1971 The Rolling Stones came back with the album "Sticky Fingers" which would be the most popular album they ever made. From this album there were songs like "Wild Horses" and "Brown Sugar" and were major hits all over the world. While this was happening Bianca Jagger gave birth to Jaggers daughter Jade Jagger. Throughout the 70s The Rolling Stones made thousands of live performances and achieved endless record sales with hits like "Angie" (1973), "It's Only Rock and Roll" (1974), "Hot Stuff" (1976) and "Respectable" (1978). In 1974 Ron Wood had replaced Mick Taylor on guitar and Keith Richards and Ron Wood both played lead guitar. In 1980 Jagger divorced Bianca Jagger and went on to record and release "Emotional Rescue" with The Rolling Stones and it was a platinum album. In 1981 "Tattoo You" was released and the group went on a major world tour, their first in three years, which filled stadiums in the US and arenas in Europe. After the tour ended in 1982 Jagger was starting to like other music. In 1983 The Rolling Stones recorded the album "Undercover" at the Compass Point in Nassau. But recording sessions didn't go well as during this time Mick and Keith Richard were having arguments about the kind of music the group should be playing. Even though the album was a success it seemed like The Rolling Stones were now going over the edge.

In May 1984 Mick recorded "State of Shock" with The Jacksons which led Mick wanting to try out a solo career. So in September he recorded his first solo album with guests like Pete Townshend and Jeff Beck. Shortly before the album was released The Rolling Stones decided to record their first album under a new Sony records contract. Keith Richards didn't approve of the solo efforts - he wanted Mick to stick to The Rolling Stones. In July 1985 Jagger made his first solo live appearance at the Live Aid benefit concert in Philadelphia. The Rolling Stones were going to perform but decided not to as things weren't going well for them at the time. During 1986 Mick worked on his second solo album "Primitive Cool" which he hoped would be a success but this was not to be. However, his 1988 tour proved to be a success, selling out in Japan.

But Mick excepted the fact that the only way to carry on with success was to get back with The Rolling Stones so in January 1989 he and Keith Richards reformed and they wrote songs for what was to be the "Steel Wheels" album. After the album was released The Rolling Stones went on a major worldwide tour with special concerts at London's Wembley Stadium. Sadly though in 1992 bassist of The Rolling Stones Bill Wyman announced his departure from the group which was to be the following year. Even though The Rolling Stones were upset to see him leave they accepted the fact that he'd been in there too long and they had to let go. Jagger released some more solo material during this time but it wasn't such a success. In 1994 The Rolling Stones released the album "Voodoo Lounge" and they went back on tour.

The first The Rolling Stones project without Bill Wyman. The tour was the biggest tour in rock history raising over 300 million. As this tour was a success they returned yet again in 1997 with the "Bridges to Babylon" album and tour which lasted for two years which was combined with the "No Security" live album and tour. After the tour was finished Jagger's marriage was on the line as he had another child from a secret love affair. Soon after this was found out the marriage between him and Jerry Hall had ended. Since then Jagger's been a film producer and a solo artist. He has produced the film Enigma (2001) and has recorded his 2001 album "Goddess in the Doorway" - another commercial flop. But never fear because just recently the Stones announced a 40th Anniversary tour and that it will start in September, 2002.

9:51 AM

History Of The Bachelorette

History Of The Bachelorette - The Bachelorette is a spin-off of the American competitive reality dating game show The Bachelor. In its January 2003 debut on ABC, the first season featured Trista Rehn, the runner-up date from the first season of The Bachelor, offering the opportunity for Rehn to choose a husband among 25 bachelors. The 2004 season of The Bachelorette again took a runner-up from the previous season of The Bachelor. After last airing on February 28, 2005, the series returned to ABC during the spring of 2008, following an absence of three years.


* Season 1 (2003)
Trista Rehn, the runner-up of the first season of The Bachelor, selected Ryan Sutter, and the season's finale broadcast was one of the most-watched programs in the history of reality television.[2] They are still married and have two children together.[3][4] Contestant Bob Guiney was chosen to be the Bachelor in season four of The Bachelor.

* Season 2 (2004)
Meredith Phillips, who was let go by bachelor Bob Guiney (see above), chose Ian Mckee.[5] However, they ended their relationship in February 2005.[6]

* Season 3 (2005)
Jennifer Schefft, selected by Andrew Firestone in season three of The Bachelor,[7] got a second chance at love, after her relationship with Firestone ended,[8] in The Bachelorette's third season. She chose Jerry Ferris, an art gallery director, over fellow finalist John Paul Merritt in a first live, final rose ceremony.[9] During this last episode, Jerry proposed to Jen. She rejected his proposal, however, stating that the chemistry was not there.[10] Schefft went on to find love away from reality TV,[11] marrying Chicago public relations executive Joe Waterman in May 2009. The couple welcomed their first child, daughter Mae Elizabeth, on November 13, 2010.[12]

* Season 4 (2008)
DeAnna Pappas, who first appeared in season eleven of The Bachelor, and was rejected by bachelor Brad Womack,[13] chose Jesse Csincsak over Jason Mesnick.[14] They were set to wed on May 9, 2009, but the couple announced their break-up in November 2008.[15] On season 13 of The Bachelor featuring Jason Mesnick as a single father looking for a second chance at love, Pappas made a surprise return.

* Season 5 (2009)
Jillian Harris, who was rejected by bachelor Jason Mesnick in season thirteen of The Bachelor, was the fifth bachelorette. She is also the first non-American bachelorette from Canada. The fifth season premiered on May 18, 2009. On the season finale, Jillian received a proposal from Ed Swiderski. A supplement to the finale, "After The Final Rose", aired on Tuesday, July 28.[16] However, they ended their relationship in July 2010.[17] Contestant Jake Pavelka was chosen to be the next "Bachelor".

* Season 6 (2010)
Ali Fedotowsky, who walked away from bachelor Jake Pavelka in season 14 of The Bachelor, was the sixth bachelorette. The season premiered on May 24, 2010.[18] Ali, who let contestant Chris Lambton go the day before the Final Rose Ceremony, chose Roberto Martinez in the finale,[19] and the couple remains together.

* Season 7 (2011)
Ashley Hebert, who was rejected by bachelor Brad Womack in season 15 of The Bachelor, is the seventh bachelorette. The season premiered on May 23, 2011.

9:46 AM

New York City Season Finale

New York City Season Finale - As Season Four of The Real Housewives of New York City draws to a close with one last party, let's recap it all in THG's +/- review ...

The best thing about the Housewives season finale is knowing that I won't have to listen to Luann try and sing for several months. Plus 10. Her inability to carry a tune is only highlighted when she attempts to sing a duet with Natalie Cole. No, money certainly can't buy you class ... or a voice.

Countess LuAnn and Natalie Cole

Luann thinks she's a singer. Alex thinks she's a model. At this rate Ramona should try out for the WNBA. Why can't Simon ever leave his wife alone? If the magazine photo shoot is a real, paying job then Simon needs to go home and let her work. Talk about being clingy. And then he let's everyone know Alex made US Weekly's worst dressed list. Gee, thanks honey. Minus 7.

Cindy really was incredibly rude to Sonja last week but do we have to keep hearing about it. Cindy is boring. Rehashing the same fight doesn't make her any less so. Minus 5.

So Ramona thinks she's pregnant. More like wishful thinking. I hate to side with Jill but when you're 55 and miss your period I'd think your first thought would be menopause, not pregnancy.

Although Jill really is horrible as she runs around telling everyone at the party that Ramona and Sonja were sharing a bathroom stall. What is she the class mother? Minus 8 for being such a gossipy busy body.

Ramona Singer Pregnant?

Kelly is seriously funny as she makes fun of Alex and Simon's constant tweeting. "Honey, you're hot. No, you're hot. No, you're smoking hot." I wish we'd seen this type of humor from Kelly all season but Plus 7 for making me laugh in a good way.

Then Alex promises not to push Luann off of her own party boat. Well, damn. Where's the fun in that? Minus 5.

Sonja bought a pregnancy test of Ramona. That's the sign of a good friend. Plus 6.

And the leopard twins keep running back and forth to the bathroom until Ramona can finally pee.

At least Ramona drank Pelligrino instead of Pinot until she got the results. Not pregnant. At the very least, Mario must have been relieved.


And another season of The Real Housewives of New York City comes to a close. But wait! It's not over yet. Next week the ladies hash it out for the reunion show. The leopard prints will surely fly.

9:41 AM

Chicago Bears, Fantasy Football Sleeper

Chicago Bears, Fantasy Football Sleeper -The NFL Lockout is OVER, which means the 2011 fantasy football season is now officially ON!

NFL rookies can sign Tuesday of this week, while the NFL free agency market will open up this Friday. There is sure to be a torrent of available news in the coming weeks, so be sure to stick with us for all of your up-to-the-minute updates and advice.

– Fantasy Football Rankings
– Fantasy Football Sleepers
– Fantasy Football News and Advice
– Fantasy Football Waiver Wire Advice
– Fantasy Specialty: 3rd Year Receivers
– Fantasy Football Divisional Breakdowns (coming real soon)

For two years now, fantasy owners have been wondering about when—if at all—Chicago Bears WR Earl Bennett was going to blossom into a viable fantasy football option.

In 2009, he was relatively unknown, and basically served as a spotty plug-in waiver wire guy, but in 2010, many felt he was going to have a breakout year under Mike Martz’s pass happy system, especially with Jay Cutler (ranked 16th in my QB rankings) at the helm.

All they received was a disappointing season.

Well let me be the first to tell you, the 2011 fantasy football season should be the year you all have been waiting for and here’s why. Mike Martz is already on record as saying Earl Bennett’s role is going to expand this season. He went on to also say:

“We didn’t throw it to him enough, that will be remedied. He will figure in a much larger role than he did last year. He came to us late. He was injured. I wasn’t really sure where he was with all the stuff. But he established himself as a guy who needs to get a lot more balls than he did.”ChicagoBears.com

Mike Martz WILL deploy a pass first offense this season, with Bennett likely to play in the slot along with some time on the outside, enhancing his PPR value.

Look the bottom line is, the Devin Hester experiement failed in 2010 so don’t expect another attempt at it.

That leaves Johnny Knox on the outside exclusively because outside WR Devin Aromashodu isn’t likely to return to Chicago which leaves a gaping hole to fill at WR.

You can probably expect Bennett to field some snaps on the outside as well, allowing Martz to utilize the quicker Hester in a slot role from time to time.

But I digress.

In total, Bennet has caught 100 balls for 1,278 yards and 5 touchdowns with a single 100+ yard game to his credit in just 30 games started. He is worth a mid-round selection at this point and should prove to be one of the more valuable 2011 fantasy football sleepers by year’s end.

If these Bears receivers can shed their woeful play against press coverage, and if the coaching staff hold true on their promise regarding Bennett, you’ have little reason NOT to draft him.

5:41 AM

Lirik Lagu Memes Ku Bersimpuh

Lirik Lagu Memes Ku Bersimpuh

di rumah-Mu ku bersimpuh, terluluhkan segala dayaku
yakini keagungan-Mu ku berdoa sepenuh jiwa
malam itu tak tertahan tangisanku yang penuh sesal
tak mampunya ku berubah tuk menjadi yang Kau damba

oh Tuhan ku datang tuk menghadap-Mu
ampuni kekhilafanku selama ini
oh Tuhan bukalah mata batinku
untuk mengerti petunjuk dan bimbingan-Mu

air mata basuhi jiwa, inikah awal kesucian
Tuhan terangi jalanku dengan cahaya sinar mata-Mu

oh Tuhan ku datang tuk menghadap-Mu
ampuni kekhilafanku selama ini
oh Tuhan bukalah mata batinku
untuk mengerti petunjuk dan bimbingan-Mu

oh Tuhan ku datang tuk menghadap-Mu
ampuni kekhilafanku selama ini
oh Tuhan bukalah mata batinku
untuk mengerti petunjuk dan bimbingan-Mu huu

oh Tuhan bersihkan diriku ini
seperti pertama ku lahir di dunia ini
oh Tuhan terimalah sembah sujudku
ku coba yang terbaik tuk kehadirat-Mu

Lirik Lagu Memes Ku Bersimpuh

5:39 AM

Lirik Lagu Eren Pergi Tanpa Alasan

Lirik Lagu Eren Pergi Tanpa Alasan

aku mencintaimu bagaikan langit memeluk bintang
aku lukiskan cinta di hati tak terbatas lagi
aku mencintaimu bagaikan langit memeluk bintang
aku luksikan cinta di hati tak terbatas lagi
cinta yang dulu bersemi kini menjadi masa laluku
hatiku hancur tiada berkeping bagaikan segelintir debu

kepergianmu tanpa alasan yang pasti
kau buat hatiku kini lemah tak berdaya
semakin hancur hatiku ini tanpamu
ku tak bisa berdiri tegak dan bernafas lega

kepergianmu tanpa alasan yang pasti
kau buat hatiku kini lemah tak berdaya
semakin hancur hatiku ini tanpamu
ku tak bisa berdiri tegak dan bernafas lega

semakin hancur hatiku ini tanpamu
ku tak bisa berdiri tegak dan bernafas lega

Lirik Lagu Eren Pergi Tanpa Alasan

5:36 AM

Lirik Lagu Lovarian Di Bawah Satu Bulan

Lirik Lagu Lovarian Di Bawah Satu Bulan

dengarkanlah sayang nyanyian hatiku
tentang rasa rinduku padamu saat jauh darimu
kala malam datang hadirkan sang bulan
bayangkanlah aku di sampingmu menggenggam erat tanganmu
saat kau rindukan aku pandangilah bulan itu
saat kau ingin hadirku pandangilah bulan itu
karena engkau masih di bawah satu bulan yang sama denganku

saat kau rindukan aku pandangilah bulan itu
saat kau ingin hadirku pandangilah bulan itu
saat kau rindukan aku pandangilah bulan itu
saat kau ingin hadirku pandangilah bulan itu
karena engkau masih di bawah satu bulan yang sama denganku
satu bulan yang sama denganku

Lirik Lagu Lovarian Di Bawah Satu Bulan

5:28 AM

Cara Untuk Menjadi Orang Sukses

Cara Untuk Menjadi Orang Sukses - Banyak oorang yang masih dan selalu untuk mencari artikel yang satu ini. Bagaimana sih tips-tips untuk menjadi orang yang sukses. berikut ini adalah kumpulan artikel yang saya dapat dari si Mbah Google.

1. Mau Belajar
Orang sukses adalah pelajar seumur hidup. Mereka menyadari, pendidikan tak pernah berakhir tapi dimulai di setiap tingkatan kehidupan dan terus berlanjut hingga akhir kehidupan. Pendidikan tidak terbatas di ruang kelas, artinya mencoba ide baru, membaca buku, surat kabar, majalah dan menggunkan internet merupakan bentuk pendidikan pula.

2. Percaya Diri
Orang sukses percaya diri dan merasakan bahwa mereka berbuat sesuatu untuk dunia. Mereka memandang sebuah dunia yang besar dan ingin memainkan peranan penting di dalamnya. Mereka tetap bekerja sesuai ketrampilan mereka, sambil tetap menyadari bahwa ketrampilan ini memberi nilai kepada ketrampilan lainnya. Mereka juga sadar, karya terbaik akan menghasilkan kompensasi bagi mereka.

3. Berpandangan Positif
Orang sukses berpandangan positif terhadap apa yang dapat mereka kerjakan, dan ini meluas pada hal-hal lain. Mereka percaya gelas itu setengah penuh dan bukan setengah kosong. Mereka menanamkan semangat pada diri sendiri dan dapat membayangkan diri bagaimana mereka berhasil menyelesaikan suatu tugas sulit atau mencapai penghargaan tertinggi.

4. Berani Mengambil Resiko
Orang sukses berani mengambil resiko. Mereka berupaya untuk mencapai target, melakukan penghematan, membangun relasi dengan banyak orang dan gesit mencoba sesuatu yang baru guna mengikuti perkembangan zaman, dan mau terus mengambil resiko untuk meraih sukses.

5. Mampu Menikmati Pekerjaan
Orang sukses menikmati apa yang sedang mereka lakukan. Mereka mampu melihat pekerjaan sebagai kesenangan, mereka memilih bekerja di mana mereka dapat unggul. Orang sukses menyukai tantangan, mereka menikmati pencapaian puncak permainan mereka, apakah di pekerjaan, lapangan tennis atau lapangan golf.

6. Mampu Memotivasi Diri
Orang sukses punya banyak cara untuk memotivasi diri sendiri sehingga dapat terus berkarya lebih baik dari yang lain. Ada yang dengan cara melakukan beberapa pekerjaan setiap hari pada bidang berbeda.

7. Menyelesaikan Tugas Sepenuh Hati
Orang sukses menyelesaikan tugas tidak dengan setengah-tengah, dan mereka menggunakan cara kreatif dalam meraih sukses. Meski mungkin membutuhkan waktu lebih lama, mereka akhirnya melampaui garis finish. Mereka memanfaatkan waktu dengan baik dalam mensinergikan kemampuan fisik dan mental untuk mencapai sukses.

Itulah beberapa poin penting yang saya dapatkan ketika mencari informasi tentang cara menjadi orang sukses.

5:21 AM

Google+ Sign

Google Plus Sign - Mungkin masih banyak orang yang penasaran dengan Google+ atau Google Plus. Bagaimana caranya dan penggunaannya. Mari kita baca dulu pandangan umum tentang Google+ ini sendiri.

google plus
Gambar Screenshot Halaman Google Plus

Setelah diluncurkannya layanan jejaring sosial Google Plus semenjak beberapa minggu terakhir, maka hampir setiap hari di media massa akan kita temui tulisan-tulisan atau ulasan mengenai jejaring sosial yang bakal menjadi pesaing langsung Facebook ini. Banyaknya pemberitaan-pemberitaan ini dan banyak orang yang belum bisa mempunyai akun Google Plus.

Mendaftar Google Plus dengan cara mengunjungi alamat resminya yang berada di http://plus.google.com, tapi masih banyak orang belum berhasil, dan ternyata sejauh ini belum ada disediakan opsi mendaftar melalui alamat tersebut.

Cari informasi diberbagai blog, akhirnya saya mengetahui bahwa saat ini Google Plus memang belum dibuka untuk umum. Jadi bila seseorang ingin memiliki akun Google Plus (Sign Up), maka terlebih dahulu seseorang tersebut mendapatkan undangan dari orang yang sebelumnya sudah memiliki akun di Google Plus.

Karena masih terus penasaran dan ingin memiliki akun di Google Plus, akhirnya saya mencoba membuat status di Facebook, dimana inti status itu adalah meminta teman di FB yang sudah memiliki akun Google Plus agar meng-invite saya kelayanan jejaring sosial besutan raksasa mesin pencari yang sering juga disebut dengan istilah "mbah" Google ini.

Jadi intinya Google + saat ini masih trial atau uji coba dan terbatas, hanya untuk orang-orang yang di invite oleh orang lain. Jika teman-teman ingin dan berminat silahkan berkomentar dengan cara mencantumkan email, nanti akan saya undang/invite di Google Plus ini.

5:19 AM

Juara Copa America 2011

Juara Copa America 2011 - Tampilanya Uruguay sebagai Juara Copa America 2011 memang dinilai wajar ketika menyaksikan pertandingan final kontra Paraguay, sebab sejak babak pertama terlihat Dioge Forlan dan kawan-kawan tampil mendominasi pertandingan, bahkan sudah dapat menciptakan gol pertama mereka pada menit ke-12. Uruguay akhirnya menjadi Juara Copa America 2011, setelah pada pertandingan final Copa America 2011 yang berlangsung di Monumental Stadium, Senin (25/7) dini hari waktu Indonesia berhasil mengalahkan Paraguay dengan skor telak 3-0.

Tiga menit sebelum turun minum pada babak pertama, Dioge Forlan kembali menambah gol ke-2 setelah berhasil menanfaatkan umpan terukur dari Egidio Arevalo Rios.

"Juara Copa America 2011", Gol kedua Forlan menambah ketertinggalan Paraguay pada menit ke-90. Dengan gol terakhir yang tercipta pada final Copa America 2011 ini, maka Uruguay secara mutlak mempecundangi Paraguay dengan skor 3-0, sekaligus membawa Uruguay menjadi Juara Copa America 2011.

5:03 AM

Dream High Season 2

Dream High Season 2 - Bercerita tentang enam siswa sekolah tinggi yang ingin meraih mimpi menjadi bintang musik terkenal di Korea Selatan, Dream High telah menginspirasi banyak remaja untuk meraih impian hidup mereka, tanpa peduli seberapa besar pengorbanan yang harus dilakukan untuk meraihnya. Episode drama Korea Dream High ini sendiri tidak terlalu panjang, hanya dengan 16 episode, tapi berhasil memikat hati para pecinta drama Korea dari berbagai negara dan termasuk juga di Indonesia.

Dream High Season 2Bercerita tentang enam siswa sekolah tinggi yang ingin meraih mimpi menjadi bintang musik terkenal di Korea Selatan, Dream High telah menginspirasi banyak remaja untuk meraih impian hidup mereka, tanpa peduli seberapa besar pengorbanan yang harus dilakukan untuk meraihnya.

Oleh karena begitu besar antusiasme para penggemar Dream High ini dari kalangan penikmat drama Korea, sehingga ada kabar beredar, bahwa Drama Dream High Season 2 akan segera beredar pada bulan Januari 2012 mendatang. Jadi meski drama ini sebentar lagi akan selesai di tayangkan di Indosiar, maka kelanjutannya mungkin saja bisa disaksikan setahun mendatang.

Mengenai "Dream High Season 2" sejauh ini memang belum banyak terungkap. Tapi menurut sumber-sumber dari KBS selaku pihak produksi menyatakan bahwa segala sesuatu yang memikat hati di Dream High sesion pertama juga akan ditampilkan pada sesion kedua nantinya. Namun bagi fans drama ini sepertinya harus tetap bersabar, karena launcing Dream High Sesion 2 sendiri akan dilauncing setahun lagi.

4:59 AM

Dangdut Koplo OM Sera Juli 2011


JULI 2011
Dangdut Koplo

OM. SERA ~ Ojo Jaluk Pegat - Wiwik Sagita.mp3 - 4.6 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Tak Seindah Malam Kemarin - Via Vallen.mp3 - 5.0 MB
OM. SERA ~ Sanjungan Jiwa ~ Lilin Herlina dan Arifin MC Sera.mp3 - 4.6 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Ngamen 2 Asolole - Wiwik Sagita.mp3 - 4.9 MB
OM. SERA ~ Selalu Rindu - Yuni Ayunda.mp3 - 4.3 MB
OM. SERA ~ Kaulah Segalanya - Ina Amelia.mp3 - 4.5 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Alay - Yuni Ayunda.mp3 - 7.3 MB
OM. SERA ~ Jawaban Cinta - Yuni Ayunda.mp3 - 5.0 MB
OM. SERA - Perawan Saiki.mp3 - 3.7 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Ngamen - Yuni Ayunda.mp3 - 3.9 MB
OM. SERA ~ Jangan Dendam - Via Vallen.mp3 - 4.8 MB
OM. SERA ~ Mendhem Lanangan - Wiwik Sagita.mp3 - 6.1 MB
OM. SERA - Mimpi Terindah - Lilin Herlina.mp3 - 4.7 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Keramat - Roza Fitria.mp3 - 4.6 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Jangan Bertengkar Lagi - Dewi Kurnia.mp3 - 4.8 MB
OM. SERA ~ New Jambu - Ani Arlita.mp3 - 4.2 MB
Bonus :
Cara Mencintaimu - Via Vallen - OM Laksana.mp3 - 6.6 MB

Masih bersama OM SERA 2011

4:57 AM

Sagita Album Ngamen 5 | Dangdut Koplo

Sagita - Album Ngamen 5Download :
Bojo Loro - Ikif Kawazima.mp3
Bronto - Indah Andira.mp3
Bulan Ing Bayangan - Rina Amelia & Cak Rul.mp3
Ketaman Asmoro - Indah Andira.mp3
Kusumaning Ati - Rina Amelia.mp3
Merapi Nagih Janji - Eny Sagita.mp3
Nelongso - Dian Marshanda.mp3
Ngamen 5 - Eny Sagita.mp3
Udan Kangen - Indah Andira & Cak Rul.mp3
Watu Cilik - Eny Sagita.mp3
Wenehono Wektu - Eny Sagita & Cak Rul.mp3

Orkes : OM Sagita
Album Ngamen 5
Tahun 2011
Sagita - Album Ngamen 5

5:25 PM

RIM buys video-editing vendor JayCut

RIM buys video-editing vendor JayCut - Founded in 2007, JayCut offers a free, Web-based video-editing platform and has also licensed its software to other companies and websites. RIM plans to add JayCut video editing to the PlayBook to complement its front and rear video cameras and high-definition video playback capability, according to a RIM blog entry.

Research In Motion has acquired JayCut, a Web-based video-editing software company, to bolster the multimedia capabilities of its PlayBook tablet. RIM announced the acquisition on Friday without disclosing how much it paid for JayCut, which is privately held and based in Stockholm. JayCut has just seven employees, according to its website. The free editing tool on its site, which requires users to register, is not accepting new registrations. However, there are still login fields for existing users. RIM buys video-editing vendor JayCut

The PlayBook is one of several tablets trying to compete for attention and sales with Apple's iPad, which is known for its multimedia features, including the iMovie video-editing application. For RIM, much rides on the PlayBook as the company struggles with weak sales and late products. Versions of the PlayBook equipped to use mobile data networks have been delayed from summer to fall.

RIM's tablet runs a special operating system based on a platform RIM acquired along with mobile software vendor QNX. However, the company also plans to release a player for apps that use the more popular Android OS."RIM buys video-editing vendor JayCut"

5:23 PM

My top iPad photo apps

My top iPad photo apps - Although the iPad 2 cameras are a major disappointment in terms of image quality, my iPad still is finding a place in my photography workflow -- especially when I'm away from home for several days. It's not only a gorgeous way to display and share photos right after taking them; but unlike your average digital photo frame, there are sophisticated, easy-to-use apps that let you edit a photo in less than a minute.

Getting photos onto the iPad
The first order of business is getting photos from camera to tablet. The iPad comes with neither an SD card reader nor USB connection, but there are a number of other ways to move images onto the device.

At home, I usually transfer them first to my desktop PC and then move those I want on the tablet via an iTunes sync (another option is the third-party cloud service Dropbox). However, that's typically for when I'm going to visit someone and want to share older pictures I've already processed. What about when shooting without a desktop, laptop or netbook nearby?

I zeroed in on two ways of downloading photos directly from my camera to the iPad.

When I've taken just a few photos and don't need to have them on the iPad as soon as possible, the Eye-Fi wireless SD card can be a convenient choice.

Eye-Fi has long offered automatic photo uploads from the in-camera SD card via known wireless networks. Recently, Eye-Fi cards added a "direct mode" that transmits straight to an iOS or Android device even when there's no available wireless (or 3G).

Drawbacks? Wireless transfer can be slow, initial direct mode setup isn't trivial and the camera battery drains faster when powering file transfers along with other tasks. Still, this is an especially useful choice if you tend to leave your photos in-camera for days or weeks before getting around to uploading or sharing them (Eye-Fi cards can also automatically upload to a Web service of your choice, such as Facebook, Flickr, Google's Picasa, Kodak Gallery, Shutterfly or SmugMug -- either all photos on the card or just those you've marked in-camera). And even if the Eye-Fi card is rarely more efficient that a card reader; when it works, it's more enjoyably geeky to see my images transfer themselves wirelessly than fumbling around with cords or card readers.

However, if I've got a lot of in-camera images I want to view on my iPad right away, I'm not sure anything beats the iPad Camera Connection Kit. I was rather skeptical of the kit since an older connector for my first-generation iPod fell down on the job during an overseas trip 5 years ago and couldn't handle a lot of large image files. But either I got a lemon the first time around or such problems have been fixed, because the iPad Camera Connector Kit works just fine. My main gripe: After paying $600 for a tablet, I had to shell out another $29 for a basic USB connector; but that's as much the Apple way as techno-lust-inducing design.

The Kit comes with two adapters: an SD card reader and USB interface. I've actually only used the card reader -- since my camera uses SD cards, why drain the battery by plugging the whole camera in and keeping it on? Slip in the card, plug in the reader, choose which images you want to transfer and wait a bit for the files to be copied (USB 3.0 speed this is not), and you've got all your images onto the iPad.

I keep the card reader in the pocket of the Belkin case I use when toting my iPad while traveling, so it's always available. The chief drawback of uploading this way applies to most image transfer methods to the iPad: There's no way to direct the photos into specific Photo app albums; they simply appear in "Last Import" and "All Imports." I hope a future version of iOS will upgrade the default Photo app so it's more capable on-device when it comes to organizing images.
Photo editing apps

I've discovered a number of robust yet easy-to-use and inexpensive apps for editing photos on the iPad -- the kind of app choices I was hoping to find when spending $600 to be part of the iOS ecosystem.

For basic editing, Adobe offers free Photoshop Express with options to crop, straighten, rotate and flip, as well as change exposure, saturation, tint and contrast (and change to black & white). There are also some effects such as "vibrant." However, unlike Adobe's Photoshop line of desktop software, there's no way to make these changes on only a portion of the photograph: It's all or nothing. But considering the price, I don't see any reason not to install it unless you don't plan to do any photo editing or your device storage space is running low.

My current favorite photo app is Nik Software's recently released Snapseed, which offers more power than I expected for $4.95. In fact, the gap between Snapseed's capabilities and that of Nik's $199 desktop Viveza editor is quite a bit smaller than the price difference led me to expect.

Snapseed offers a number of editing options, from basic cropping to selective adjustments.

Nik touts Snapseed as "the only photo app you'll want to use every day," and the tablet editor is actually fun to use, moreso than my experiences with Viveza. Also unlike the desktop version, which I'm still trying to learn well after several months, Snapseed features help screens that gives short but crystal-clear instructions on how to use the various editing options. Often, it's swipe up and down to select the edit function you want to apply (brightness, contrast, saturation, white balance and so on) and then swipe left to right to adjust the amount. If you tap on the "compare" button, you can see your photo before editing; lift up your finger and the adjustments returns.

Snapseed also features basic edits such as crop and straighten, an auto correct feature (which you can then manually tweak) and a few filters that I'm mostly uninterested in (although given Nik's strong reputation for black-and-white filters in its desktop Silver Efex Pro, I do plan on trying out the black & white when appropriate).

Snapseed really shines with its advanced editing options. One, center focus, lets you keep one area in focus while blurring the rest. Another, selective adjust, uses Nik's control-point technology to intelligently make adjustments only on areas of a photo that are similar to the area around where you've placed your point. And, you can set the size of the area you want that control point to analyze by pinching and zooming; in case you just want, say, the blue in your sky to be affected by an adjustment but not a similar blue in a reflection nearby.

One useful option missing in Snapseed that you can get in Adobe Photoshop Express: noise reduction. For that, you need the optional Adobe Camera Pack for a reasonable $3.99.
Some of Photogene's many editing options

If you're planning to do any photo editing on your iPad beyond cropping, I'd also recommend Photogene. Along with the basic crop, rotate and mid-level features like exposure, saturation and contrast, there are a number of advanced offerings, such as white balance, sharpening, red-eye removal and, yes, noise reduction. It even offers curves, a powerful tool for making very precise image adjustments by dragging points on a graph; healing/cloning to remove unwanted areas of a photo; and several adjustments that can be made after "painting" on a mask to limit changes to certain areas. There's even a 1-tap button for creating reflections

I don't find the Photogene interface as intuitive and elegant as Snapseed's; but it offers enough features absent from my number-one editor that I find it a valuable addition to my iPad photo toolbox and well worth the $2.99 pricetag.

For example, Photogene includes a metadata editor so I can add title, caption, credit, copyright and other information to the file using the popular IPTC format, as well as reading EXIF information about camera settings used when the photo was shot.
Sharing and uploading

Photogene also boasts the best, most convenient photo uploaders I've come across yet on the iPad.

The export button lets you send to Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox and Picasa as well as save, email and even FTP. Because of the metadata editor, photos upload with caption intact (although you need to know which service uses what IPTC field -- some use title, others use caption, etc. I tend to play it safe by filling them all out.) You can select multiple photos to upload at once, plus choose which albums to send to-- or, in the case of Facebook, create a new album from within the app.

Another fun way to share photos, especially while still on the road, is sending a digital postcard. Some may find these a bit cheesy, but especially for those of my family and friends who aren't active on social networks (yes, they still exist), I think it's nice to pop a single image in an e-mail that's got a little message in a postcard-like format.
Postcard image file from Bitfield's Postcard app

Postcard by Bitfield AB is a nice, simple app for this, with the advantage of placing both the image and message on the same side (when they're two sided, I wonder if all my recipients will scroll down to see both parts). It's extremely basic; but if I'm traveling, it's unlikely even I want to spend a lot of time fussing with software. Although it's rather basic, I certainly didn't mind the $1.99 cost.

However, if you're looking for something with more capabilities, I suggest you give a look to Bill Atkinson's PhotoCard -- there's a free Lite version as well as a more full-featured paid app -- or Lifecards ($1.99).

Whatever apps you choose for editing and sharing, if you're a photography enthusiast, you'll get a lot more out of your iPad if you don't restrict photo-related activities to pictures taken with the in-tablet camera.

My top iPad photo apps

5:21 PM

Adobe recants knock on Apple's OS X Lion

Adobe recants knock on Apple's OS X Lion - Adobe on Thursday backpedalled from a claim that its popular Flash Player did not work with OS X Lion's hardware acceleration, saying that a testing mistake led it to the wrong conclusion.

Earlier this week, Adobe said that Flash Player -- the most widely-used browser plug-in on the planet -- consumed a large percentage of a Mac's processor cycles when playing YouTube videos, an issue that could lead to a general slow-down of the machine. Adobe initially said the Flash Player problem on Mac OS X 10.7, aka Lion, was "possibly related to disabled hardware acceleration" in the operating system.

Flash Player 10 accelerates video playback by tapping the Mac's graphics processor unit (GPU). The plug-in supported hardware acceleration on Snow Leopard, Lion's predecessor.
Mac OS X Lion

* Most Mac OS X Lion upgrades going well, however ...
* Adobe recants knock on Apple's OS X Lion
* Apple touts 1M Lion downloads on Day 1
* Apple expands free Lion upgrade offer
* Visual tour: Mac OS X, iOS morph into Lion
* Mac OS X: The Lion roars
* Apple delivers OS X Lion to Mac App Store
* Apple's Lion could drive Mac OS X adoption
* OS X 'Lion' ships Wednesday, says Apple
* Apple calls for Mac devs to submit Lion apps

Full coverage: Mac OS X Lion

On Thursday, Adobe recanted.

"The final release of Mac OS X Lion (10.7) provides the same support for Flash hardware video acceleration as Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6)," said Rob Christensen, an Adobe product manager, in a post to a company blog. "The previous 'Known Issue' described in a tech note suggesting that video hardware acceleration was disabled in Lion was incorrect and based on tests with a pre-release version of Mac OS X Lion that related to only one particular Mac GPU configuration."

Although Apple shipped Lion Tuesday, starting last February it had delivered several developer preview builds of the operating system. The retraction by Adobe was only the latest skirmish in a long war between Apple and Adobe over Flash.

The two have been at loggerheads since Apple refused to allow Flash on its iPhone in 2007, but the dispute grew heated last year as the companies traded blows over Flash content on Apple's iOS mobile operating system, with Apple CEO Steve Jobs trashing Flash in an April missive and the co-chairs of Adobe's board of directors accusing Apple of undermining the Web in mid-May.

Last October, Apple dropped Flash from Mac OS X. Previously it had bundled the plug-in with the operating system, and maintained it by issuing its own security updates for the Adobe program. At the time, Apple argued that yanking Flash from OS X was a security move. "The best way for users to always have the most up-to-date and secure version is to download it directly from Adobe," a company spokesman said nine months ago.

Lion does not include Flash Player.

Adobe has also published a long list of programs that have issues running on Lion or in Safari 5.1, ranging from Flash Player and Photoshop to Reader and LiveCycle.

Apple shipped Safari 5.1 with Lion, and updated the browser to the same version number for Snow Leopard, on Tuesday.( For example, Adobe Reader, a standalone PDF viewer that also provides browser plug-ins, doesn't work properly with Safari 5.1 in some corporate situations.

Like many third-party developers, Adobe must also recode much of its software to take advantage of new features in Lion, like the operating system's automatic application resume and full-screen mode. Adobe acknowledged the work it needs to do, but didn't promise to support all of Lion's new features and gave no timeline for updates to its software.

"Adobe will investigate which [Lion features] make sense to our customers for inclusion in future versions of our products," the company said.

Adobe also reminded customers that Create Suite 2 (CS2), a 2005 suite that included Photoshop, Illustrator and other programs, does not work in Lion because Apple dropped support for software compiled for the PowerPC processor.

5:14 PM

Demi Lovato Skyscraper Lyrics

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper Lyrics

Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as it’s ending, like we never had a chance.
Do you have to make me feel like there’s nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

As the smoke clears
I awaken and untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed
All my windows still are broken but I’m standing on my feet

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

Go run run run I’m gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear yeah
Go run run run yeah it’s a long way down
But I’m closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Demi Lovato Skyscraper Lyrics

5:13 PM

David Archuleta Wait Lyrics

David Archuleta - Wait Lyrics

I can’t sleep, I’m feeling wide awake
Tonight is taking it’s time
How much more before the morning breaks
And I can leave it all behind
‘Cause every time I try to close my eyes
I only end up seeing memories of you
And it’s never enough, I’m waiting

Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go

I am keeping every word you say
But how much longer can I hold on
Cause whispers echoing until they fade
Remind me that you’re already gone
‘Cause every time I try to chase your voice
I end up getting lost and running in circles
And it’s never enough, I’m waiting

Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Oooh yeah, don’t go

Even though you’re gone I can hear your heart
It’s calling out my name like a flash in the dark
If this is just a dream
I won’t give it back
I’ll find a way to make it last
One more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go
Just one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don’t go

David Archuleta Wait Lyrics

5:11 PM

Kesha Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics

Kesha - Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics

Were cruzin’ tonight
We got the roof back
More hall and drive
Were at the top (ya)
Foolin’ off
Gettin’ lost in the city lights
Take it to the hollywood sign

Sometimes I think about it
The world was about to end
I call the people who have been there thur the thick and thin
I’ll buy a bottle of the finest scotch there ever was
And we can watch it blow
Into oblivion

And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car

Close night
I see the sun rise
I’ll take it off
And watch the time fly
Catchin’ rides
Ridin’ high
In the twilight
Livin’ thur these hollywood nights

Sometimes I think about it
The world was about to end
I hope I go out with a bang
And my sickest friends
I give a toast and brake the bottles on the out sprout
And watch the world expload
Like it was last call

And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)

Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car

Oh oh
Oh oh oh

Not for the money
Not for the fame
Every night and everyday
I’m just doin’ this my way
I’m just doin’ this my way

Let’s just take our finally bow
As the lights are burnin’ out
Goin’ down
Goin’ down
(Down, down)

And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car

And we go down, down, down like shooting stars
In the night time, time, time while the worlds still ours
We won’t cry, cry, cry while the ending starts
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)
(Doin’ shots on the hood of my car)
Were goin’ down, down, down, doin’ shots on the hood of my car

Doin’ shots on the hood of my car
(Doin’ shots)
Doin’ shots on the hood
Doin’ shots on the hood
And we go down
Doin’ shots
Doin’ shots on the hood
In the night
Doin’ shots on the hood of my car
Doin’ shots.

Kesha Shots On The Hood Of My Car Lyrics

5:08 PM

Kelly Clarkson My Escape Lyrics

Lately i just don’t …everything
But some secrets i meant to keep
So rest and sure that I ain’t listening
I keep my head down so I can’t see anything
What I don’t know can’t hurt

Cause you are my escape from everything
In this place be my holiday
Love it and ..
You are my escape
You are my escape
.. just like the movie

Some say that ignorance is best
Well I am the one to disagree
If there ain’t love …
Lately i just don’t …everything
But some secrets i meant to keep
So rest and sure that I ain’t listening
Close the door and keep on continuing
But I what I don’t know can’t hurt

Cause you are my escape from everything
.. everything
I am in this place .. love it ..
You are my escape oh nu
You are my escape
Let’s keep it just like the movie

You are like a good book I get lost in
The perfect place to run and hide away
Don’t wanna pressure you to the next chapter
Cause I don’t know how it ends

Cause you are my escape from everything
In this place be my holiday
Love it and ..
You are my escape
You are my escape
Let’s keep it just like the movie

Kelly Clarkson My Escape Lyrics

5:00 PM

Lirik Lagu Wali Status Hamba Lyrics

Lirik Lagu Wali Status Hamba Lyrics

ayo kita semua anak manusia
yang tak luput dari dosa
lelaki wanita yang tua yang muda
semua pasti pernah salah
tak ada satupun yang hidup sempurna
karena status kita hamba
yang Maha Sempurna ya Allah ta’ala
karena status Allah Tuhan kita

wahai Allah wahai Tuhanku ampuni semua dosa-dosaku
dosa ibu dan bapakku dan dosa-dosa semua hambamu
wahai Allah wahai Tuhanku berikan kebaikan duniamu
kebaikan akhiratmu, jauhkanlah api nerakamu

berbuatlah untuk duniamu kawan
seakan hidup selamanya
berbuatlah untuk akhiratmu teman
seakan esok tiada

tak ada satupun yang hidup sempurna
karena status kita hamba
yang Maha Sempurna ya Allah ta’ala
karena status Allah Tuhan kita

wahai Allah wahai Tuhanku ampuni semua dosa-dosaku
dosa ibu dan bapakku dan dosa-dosa semua hambamu
wahai Allah wahai Tuhanku berikan kebaikan duniamu
kebaikan akhiratmu, jauhkanlah api nerakamu

wahai Allah wahai Tuhanku ampuni semua dosa-dosaku
dosa ibu dan bapakku dan dosa-dosa semua hambamu
wahai Allah wahai Tuhanku berikan kebaikan duniamu
kebaikan akhiratmu, jauhkanlah api nerakamu

"Lirik Lagu Wali Status Hamba Lyrics"

4:58 PM

Lirik Lagu Lyla Bersyukur Lyrics

Lirik Lagu Lyla Bersyukur Lyrics

ku awali hari dengan menyebut nama-Mu
ku hirup udara yang selalu Kau berikan gratis
takkan ku lupa akan rahmat-Mu yang tiada habisnya
meski lautan ku jadikan tinta untuk menulisnya

alhamdulillah wasyukurillah
ku memuja-Mu tak henti-hentinya
alhamdulillah wasyukurillah
betapa nikmatnya hidup dalam bersyukur

takkan ku lupa akan rahmat-Mu yang tiada habisnya
ow ow tiada habisnya
alhamdulillah wasyukurillah
ku memuja-Mu tak henti-hentinya
alhamdulillah wasyukurillah
betapa nikmatnya hidup dalam bersyukur

alhamdulillah wasyukurillah
ku memuja-Mu tak henti-hentinya

semoga Allah selalu melimpahkan rahmat-Nya
semoga Allah selalu melimpahkan nikmat-Nya

"Lirik Lagu Lyla Bersyukur Lyrics"

4:56 PM

Lirik Lagu Seurieus Sujudku Lyrics

Lirik Lagu Seurieus Sujudku Lyrics

kehidupan dalam dunia ini
silih berganti ada yang datang dan pergi
kadang terlupakan syukur pada Ilahi
silaunya dunia membutakan mata
sujudku di hadapan-Mu, ku serahkan jiwa ragaku
hamba-Mu yang selalu khilaf dari semua perintah-Mu

tak ada yang kekal, tak ada yang abadi
hanya kepada-Nya lah kita kan kembali

sujudku di hadapan-Mu, ku serahkan jiwa ragaku
hamba-Mu yang selalu khilaf dari semua perintah-Mu

sujudku di hadapan-Mu, ku serahkan jiwa ragaku
syukuri semua nikmat-Mu sebelum menutup usiaku
terangi jalanku, terangi hatiku
bersihkan jiwak dengan kasih sayang-Mu
cahaya-Mu yang selalu menjadi penuntun hidupku

"Lirik Lagu Seurieus Sujudku Lyrics"

4:51 PM

Lirik Lagu Radja Kau Adalah Aku Lyrics

Lirik Lagu Radja Kau Adalah Aku Lyrics

cintaku aku tak bisa hidup tanpamu
aku tak bisa jauh darimu
sungguh ku tak bisa bila tanpamu wo ow
cintaku hanya kau yang ada di otakku
namamu berdetak di jantungku
hiasi hatiku indahkan niatku wo ow

kau di hatiku aku di hatimu
kau di jantungku aku di tanganmu
kau adalah diriku dan aku adalah dirimu

bila kau sakit aku yang terluka
dan bila kau sedih aku yang menangis
bila ku cinta kamulah cintaku
sumpah matiku kau adalah aku

cintaku hanya kau yang ada di otakku
namamu berdetak di jantungku
hiasi hatiku indahkan niatku wo ow

kau di hatiku aku di hatimu
kau di jantungku aku di tanganmu
kau adalah diriku dan aku adalah dirimu

bila kau sakit aku yang terluka
dan bila kau sedih aku yang menangis
bila ku cinta kamulah cintaku
sumpah matiku kau adalah aku

bila kau sakit aku yang terluka
dan bila kau sedih aku yang menangis
bila ku cinta kamulah cintaku
sumpah matiku kau adalah aku

bila kau sakit aku yang terluka
dan bila kau sedih aku yang menangis
bila ku cinta kamulah cintaku
sumpah matiku kau adalah aku

"Lirik Lagu Radja Kau Adalah Aku Lyrics"

4:01 AM

Ashanty Feat Aurel - Salam Ya Ramadhan

Ashanty Feat Aurel - Salam Ya RamadhanAshanty Feat Aurel - Salam Ya Ramadhan.Mp3

Lagu Religi terbaru Ashanty dan Aurel 2011

Sumber :

Ashanty Feat Aurel - Salam Ya Ramadhan - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

9:39 AM

Merpati - Jalan Terang Mu

Merpati - Jalan Terang MuMerpati - Jalan Terang Mu.Mp3

Merpati - Jalan Terang Mu
New Single Religi 2011

Merpati Band - Jalan Terang Mu - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:46 PM

D'Bagindas - Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011)

D'Bagindas - Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011) - Setelah sukses dengan album yang pertama, kini D'Bagindas meluncurkan album yang kedua berjudul Yang No. 1.
D'Bagindas - Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011) coverDownload :
D'Bagindas - Ay
D'Bagindas - Hidup Tapi Mati
D'Bagindas - Kangen
D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
D'Bagindas - Maafkan Aku
D'Bagindas - Sendu
D'Bagindas - Suka Sama Kamu
D'Bagindas - yang No. 1

Untuk "D'Bagindas - Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011)" yang dibungkus :
D'Bagindas Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011).rar - 27.8 MB [SB]
D'Bagindas Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011).rar - 27.8 MB [4S]

D'Bagindas - Yang No.1 (Full Album 2011).rar dan eceran - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:45 PM

D'Bagindas - Hidup Tapi Mati

D'Bagindas - Hidup Tapi MatiDownload :
D'Bagindas - Hidup Tapi Mati.Mp3

D'Bagindas - Hidup Tapi Mati
Album : Yang No. 1
Tahun 2011

D'Bagindas - Hidup Tapi Mati - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:45 PM

Syahrini - Taubatlah Taubat

Syahrini - Taubatlah TaubatDownload :
Syahrini - Taubatlah Taubat.Mp3

Syahrini - Taubatlah Taubat
New Single Religi 2011

Syahrini - Taubatlah Taubat - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:45 PM

OST Nada Cinta (Full Album 2011)

Dewi Sandra, Randy Pangalila, Michella Putri, Kiting - Nada CintaDownload :
OST Nada Cinta (Full Album 2011).rar

OST Nada Cinta
Album 2011
Size : 50,734 KB

OST Nada Cinta (Full Album 2011) - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:44 PM

D'Bagindas - Sendu

D'Bagindas - SenduDownload :
D'Bagindas - Sendu.Mp3

D'Bagindas - Sendu
Album : Yang No. 1
Tahun 2011

D'Bagindas - Sendu - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:44 PM

D'Bagindas - Maafkan Aku

D'Bagindas - Maafkan AkuDownload :
D'Bagindas - Maafkan Aku.Mp3

D'Bagindas - Maafkan Aku
Album : Yang No. 1
Tahun 2011

D'Bagindas - Maafkan Aku - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:43 PM

D'Bagindas - Kangen

D'Bagindas - KangenDownload :
D'Bagindas - Kangen.Mp3

D'Bagindas - Kangen
Album : Yang No. 1
Tahun 2011

D'Bagindas - Kangen New 2011 - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

11:43 PM

D'Bagindas - Suka Sama Kamu

D'Bagindas - Suka Sama Kamu 2011Download :
D'Bagindas - Suka Sama Kamu.Mp3

D'Bagindas - Suka Sama Kamu
Album : Yang No. 1
Athun 2011

D'Bagindas - Suka Sama Kamu New 2011 - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

8:10 AM

D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya RamadhanDownload :
D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan.Mp3

D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
New Single Religi 2011
Album : Yang No 1

Lirik Lagu D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

bulan ramadhan bulan penuh ampunan
jangan sia-siakan pahala dari Tuhan
bulan ramadhan banyaknya keberkahan
jangan sampai lewatkan ampunan Rahmatullah
rajin beribadah wajib dan sunahnya
mengharapkan ridho-Nya
bersyukur pada-Nya, memuji nama-Nya
masih bertemu ramadhan indah

marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
ku panjatkan alhamdulillah
marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
bulan suci penuh ampunan

bulan ramadhan (bulan ramadhan) banyaknya keberkahan
jangan sampai lewatkan (jangan sampai lewatkan)
ampunan Rahmatullah

rajin beribadah wajib dan sunahnya
mengharapkan ridho-Nya
bersyukur pada-Nya, memuji nama-Nya
masih bertemu ramadhan indah

marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
ku panjatkan alhamdulillah
marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
bulan suci penuh ampunan

rajin beribadah wajib dan sunahnya
mengharapkan ridho-Nya
bersyukur pada-Nya, memuji nama-Nya
masih bertemu ramadhan indah

marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
ku panjatkan alhamdulillah
marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
bulan suci penuh ampunan

marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
ku panjatkan alhamdulillah
marhaban ya ramadhan, marhaban ya ramadhan
bulan suci penuh ampunan
marhaban ya ramadhan, bulan suci penuh ampunan

Lirik Lagu D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan dan Mp3 CD Rip | Lagu Religi Terbaru D'Bagindas 2011 - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of D'Bagindas - Marhaban Ya Ramadhan. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

8:10 AM

D'Masiv - Walau Harus Terluka

D'Masiv - Walau Harus TerlukaDownload :
D'Masiv - Walau Harus Terluka.Mp3

D'Masiv - Walau Harus Terluka
New Single 2011
Demo Version

D'Masiv - Walau Harus Terluka - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of D'Masiv - Walau Harus Terluka. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.

8:09 AM

Echa Paramitha - Cuma 5 Waktu

Echa Paramitha - Cuma 5 WaktuDownload :
Echa Paramitha - Cuma 5 Waktu.Mp3

Echa Paramitha - Cuma 5 Waktu
New Single Religi 2011

Echa Paramitha - Cuma 5 Waktu - This song is just for previews, to appreciate their work please use the ringtone and buy a CD original of his songs from the artists concerned. Enjoy in pandumusica.info ## - ##pandumusica.info does not host any albums, songs, music videos etc on our servers, all content are hosted and linked from 3rd party sites such as Sharebeast, 4shared, Mediafire, FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, Rapidshxre, Megauplxad etc.